Friday, 7 October 2011

Tom Ford's infatuation with porno-chic and our inability to look away.

I don't know what to make of Tom Ford's ad campaigns. The intent to shock, to make us a little squeamish, and push us out of our comfort zone is obvious. Sex is never the underlying theme. Its never hidden in his ads, or masked behind something else. No. Its out there, screaming from the rooftops for everyone to see and if someone doesn't like it?- its not Tom Ford's problem.
Are his ads (and editorials) too much? yes, yes they are. They are obviously meant to push the boundaries.They are tongue in cheek, flirty and most certainly frisky.Its like he's almost mocking the age old adage 'sex sells' and going so over the top with it, that it really makes us think about what the world is coming to (and that to, to sell perfumes?).
Andy Warhol played with the concept of mass-production with his Campbell soup cans, Tom Ford plays with the concept of  over-sexualisation of commodities to sell them through his advertisements.He objectifies men, women and I guess makes fashion fun for those who really aren't interested in it.Every time he finds a new way to exceed himself, and just when you think what else could he show that he hasn't shown before, he finds a way.
Interestingly, the viewer's fascination never subsides. After all, irreverence can never be boring.

Here's a little bit of an archive. Prepare to be amused (at the very least).

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