Friday, 9 December 2011

Nigella's Salty Caramel

I love Nigella Lawson.
I think she's like the ultimate woman. So sensual, voluptuous and gorgeous. And she can cook! I enjoy her cook books even, cos they're very friendly you know? Like she's talking to you as though she knows you. And I genuinely believe I know her . I mean I know I don't, but how cool would it be if  I did? I'd have a cooking date with her every week.
If you've seen her show, you know what I mean when I say  she is sensual. I mean- come on, its the only food show that some guys are okay with watching- cause they are just looking at her. I love that she's defies beauty norms of being real skinny, and does it so well- because no matter what her size- nobody in the world can deny that she looks as good as the food she cooks.Haina?

So she's on the cover of Stylist Magazine  (she's the guest editor this month), and the cover is quite interesting. Nigella insists that she is'nt going for the sexy by pouring salty caramel down her face,apparently "the image is simply rapturous joy in caramel"- But come on, Nigella- your 51 (YES!Can you believe?) , you can't be that ignorant about the implications of such a picture no matter how unintentional it is. I mean, sure she might not be going for that because anyone who has seen her show knows how  much this woman loves and enjoys food, and apparently she is like having a love affair with salty caramel these days; so this is an expression of that- true. But with a face as pretty as that dripping caramel, you are expecting too much of your audience to not think about it in that way.All people aren't food loving saints na.

Anyway, I like the cover- but that 's probably cos there isn't much I don't like about the woman..

Nigella's Salty Caramel Recipe:

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