Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Mad Men is (almost) Back!

12 more days to go. Well 13 for us in this part of the world. And then, we will have a 2 hr Mad Men season premiere! Isn't that awesome. And btw, ive been noticing since like, yesterday, they've really amped up the pr and marketing mechnanism of the show- a lot of buzz is being generated for the upcoming season. Obviosuly that had to be done, come on, the show is coming back after a year and a half, and while there are loyal followers like me who have been waiting for it with breath that is baited, there are other viewers that are not so committal, or perhaps have forgotten the charm of the show and adopted other blah shows that I do not care to name- but  still it is interesting that as opposed to me relentlessly searching for material to read up on Don and Mad Men- today on Huffington Post- there was an entire interview about it with Jon Hamm, aka Don Draper. Things are looking up.
Anyway, since the creator of the show , Matt Weiner is very secretive and incredibly anal about anybody finding out anything (even the cast) in the plot before he ordains it, there is no trailer of the upcoming season. The teasers that are circling the net are primarily just montages of the previous seasons. Oh well, we've waited this long, I guess another 12 days won't be too much. Also, if the cast is to be believed, the season is supposed to EPIC. I dunno, all I care to find out about is wth happens between Megan and Don. Also, its a bit snippy of me, but I wanna see Betty- how she looks after her pregnancy and all, also she is supposed to have become a bigger bitch; which is morbidly fascinating to watch. Somehow its really comforting to see  a gorgeous woman, with an incredible figure and a beautiful wardrobe be so deeply flawed. Redeems our own self esteem you know?

Anyway, checkout the incredible teasers. They get you real excited about the show.

Don is back:

Joan is back:

Betty is back:

Roger is back:

Mad Men is back:

Had fun? Don't you just love the format? so cool, doesn't give anyyyyything away, but gets all the excitement bubbling. 13 more days everyone. 13, lucky number 13.

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