Yes it was pretty light compared to the previous few, but I realllllllyyy enjoyed it. Maybe I was just in a very happy mood, but I found it funny enough to laugh out aloud at some parts. And as we know, Mad Men doesn't really have "jokes" like usual tv jokes. But once you get into the grind of it, and know what you're looking for- well then this episode is gold.
See, as I've mentioned before here, MM tries to be as minimally contrived as it can be, and more and more like everyday. So the funny moments, especially funny moments for us viewers are ones that on another show we wouldn't even smirk at. But here, that's all you get; and in a series that is heavy on heavy subtext ,nuance and undertone- these moments can be genius.
The ones I enjoyed most from last night were:
1) Pete on the payphone and Harry Crane
I'm trying to find a video for this one and I am failing. But this was in the first half of the episode again. Anyway it was hilarious. The thing is, I could imagine it happening to anyone; not just these characters. Its a situation taken straight from actual life. It interrupts a very desperate call that Pete is making to the Gilmore Girl and its unnecessary at that point of time which is precisely why its funny.
2) Pegs telling Don "Do you know where Abe is?"
Don calls the office looking for his wife. As usual the only person there is Pegs. Pegs is trying to find suitable answers to give to Don, which Don keeps rebutting and eventually an exasperated Pegs says, I don't know where she is Don do you know where Abe is?.I loved it. It was such a legit thing to say. Of course, the ensuing " Pizza House" scene was hilarious. I'm really starting to like Peggy btw, she's so ballsy and dorky at the same time. Like in the Pizza House scene, we the phone first starts ringing you see her get like full tense and all, so as a viewer you are also made to feel like oh-no-whats-going-to-happen-anxious...only for her to yell PIZZA HOWWWSE in a somewhat Asian way.It was sooo out of the blue And her expression after she hangs up is just priceless. Her expression reflects the viewer's reaction- WTF?
Pegs bhi na. What great acting though ( not just these scenes, general life on the series as well)
3) My Ken Cosgrove bopping and dancing.
As I mentioned before, I've developed a little soft spot for Kenny. He's such a good boy. His little dance was toooooo cute,and Don looking at him up and down like wth-is-wrong-w-you was also the icing on the cake. He's adroable. I think he's my new love now cos lets face it Don is just no fun anymore.
4) Peggy filling in for Meg in the cool-whip thingie...
and sucking at it.
That just didn't go very well did it? But giving how Pegs has been throwing her weight around , it just made sense to make her fall a little bit. The little husband wife charade went horribleyet it was morbidly amusing. The moment she spoke you knew that this was going down. Loved the look on Don's face when Pegs kept saying "just try it" instead of 'just taste it' . Then they fight like school children, and Pegs eventually tells
Don to shutup. How gutsy has she become? She's like a little don (not like draper, but like the mafioso).
5) Roger: Jane wanted to have kids, but then I thought why do that to someone?
Enough said.
Also funny was Ginsberg wondering how he'll get his $15 back for lunch from Megs.
" You know what takes guts? Never having money for lunch"
Other than that, I guess the only major plot development was Megs quitting which I am overjoyed by because eff it it had become the Megan show. I'm sick of seeing her. Hell why can that much screen time be devoted to Joan and Roger? Each week the central focus is Megs, Don and Pegs Gimme a break. Megs is obviously a thorn in my path, Don has become a snoozefest to watch since I cannot watch him go around like a lovesick puppy all the time. The best scenes by far- in this entire season -of him are the fixing of Pete's faucet and him kicking down his apartment door. I guess because thats the only time we've seen him be a man this entire season- my apologies for the sexism.
I think,the age gap between Megs and Don is finally coming into play. I think for Don, he is being forced to come out of his little happy bubble. In his mind, he had made his own little choti si duniya w Megan, in which he was very happy, and everything was perfect and honeymoon phasey. Basically at 40, having lived half of his lifetime, he found his answers and his entire life in a way in his relationship w Megan- at least for now. He thought they had everything. But with Megan, cos she's so young- he's realizing that their relationship, their joint domestic happiness is not the be-all, end-all as it is for him. Its not the answer to everything for her. Its just one aspect. There are more things that Megan wants in her life other than a goodlooking, rich husband , a lavish apartment and fancy clothes.She's still young, and she wants more in life than to just be Don Draper's wife- a title a thousand would kill for. Which brings us to the season's main conundrum: a person can have everything they want yet nothing that they need.
Also known as the Pete Campbell syndrome.
Anyway, with Megs out of the picture that means we don't have to see her in the office atleast. Annoyance.
Btw, I really don't want to use the term style star for Megan Draper, since j'hate but motherofjesus they're really giving her very nice clothes to wear. I loved the two coats she wore in this episode. The first was the patent leather trench coat that she wore that day she had to resign, and the second was in the last scene when she's going for her class. It was like an army green sort of thing with a leather collar. Gorgeous.
Okay, coming to Pete Campbell Syndrome.
I don't find Pete as despicable as others do in this episode because I really get the void he feels in his life, irrespective of the fact that it is totally self created, and he is just being selfish and pathetic.It happens. Pete's done everything the way he was supposed to; the wife, the house, the kid, the career- but it just doesn't amount to anything and he feels reckless. I guess life has been the same for him for too long, and living the same day everyday can make you self destructive to an extent.
Yes, making a move on his train buddy's wife was not the nicest thing, but tbh she really did come on to him and let's face it Pete has never been the beacon of moral high grounds. We all know he is a little twerp, with perfect potential sleaze capabilities so I dunno, this hardly makes me hate him... that too now, after four seasons of his being a despicable slimeball. In fact now is when I've started understanding him a little bit. I guess it has to do with the " Don, I have nothing" moment.
Also I found Rory to be too young to be that guy's wife. Maybe its cos I still see her as Rory.
Okay, that's about it. I hope we have more Joan and Betty next episode, it seems like those are my only two requests in each episode.
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